In my spare time I enjoy learning new things, and then turning those things into small projects.
Ray Marching a Mandelbulb
Ray marching is an efficient algorithm for rendering scenes like this mandelbulb, where a signed distance function (implicit representations of surfaces) exists for the (elements in the) scene. Check it out here
Zoom-in of the Mandelbrot
The mandelbrot is a classic. Here I play around with rendering a zoomed-in section of the fractal with Blinn-Phong shading for the fractal’s escape time.
Circle Packing
Circles on circles on circles!
Solving Chopsticks
I solve Chopsticks using various searching algorithms, and show that only 557 unique game states exist, with a maximum of 13 moves before either reaching an end state or looping back onto a different game branch. Here, colours correspond with outcomes and player turns. Check it out here